Veterans Day and Vocations to Catholic Chaplaincy
Today we celebrate Veterans Day, in honor of all veterans who have faithfully served this great nation. In light of this, Father Aidan Logan the Vocations Director with the Archdiocese for Military Service recently visited the campus of Conception. Father Aidan stated that over a million members are serving in the military and less than 200 Catholic Chaplains serving to tend to their souls; the situation is dire. This Veterans Day let us remember those who sacrificed for us and remember those who are currently serving. Let us pray for an increase in vocations to military service, an end to all hostility, and for the young men and women who most desperately need a priest. The staff and seminarians of Conception Seminary College and the monks of Conception Abbey thank the military for their service in defense of our freedom. May God bless all troops past and present. Happy Veterans Day.
O Prince of peace, we humbly ask your protection
for all our men and women in military service.
Give them unflinching courage to defend
with honor, dignity and devotion,
the rights of all who are imperiled
by injustice and evil.
Be their rock, their shield, and their stronghold
and let them draw their strength from you.
For you are God, for ever and ever.
-Prayer from the United States Council of Catholic Bishops
by Aaron Hooper of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joeseph in Missouri