Discerning the Priesthood after College
The decision to discern a priestly vocation after graduating from college can be a difficult one by Casey Zimmerman, Pre-Theology I of the Diocese of Salina in Kansas “Why would you leave a stable, successful, enjoyable career for seminary? Wouldn’t that waste your college degree and experience?” These were the first, and most common, questions…
Sunday Reflection: Living the Faith
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: 2 MC 7:1-2, 9-14 Gospel: LK 20:27-38 by Casey Zimmerman of the Diocese of Salina, Pre-Theology 1 In today first reading from 2 Maccabees, we hear the story of two of the seven Jewish brothers captured and tortured by the king. The captives refuse to eat pork, which…
Sunday Reflection: Love for the Marginalized
Christ’s example challenges us to love those less fortunate by Ben Rogers, seminarian for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Today, Sirach tells of God’s love for the orphans, weak, oppressed, and widows. This Old Testament teaching is echoed later by Christ in the Beatitudes. In the last several years Pope Francis has been…
Conception Seminary Board of Regents Meet for Fall Meeting
Board of Regents approves new mission statement for Conception Seminary College to guide priestly formation The Board of Regents of Conception Seminary College met for their annual fall meeting on October 14-15, 2016. Focus centered again on developing the strategic plan that will guide the seminary into the future. Regent Jan Lewis of Overland Park,…
Conception Seminary College to Host Annual Soccer/Volleyball Tournament
Soccer and volleyball tournament brings together seminarians discerning God’s call The 9th Annual Thunder Cup Soccer and Volleyball Tournament will be held October 15-16 at Conception Seminary College in Conception, Mo. Seven seminaries from across the Midwest will gather for a weekend of faith, fellowship, and friendly competition at this annual event. “The Thunder Cup…
Vocations are Supported by Families
Vocations supported at Conception Seminary College’s annual Family Weekend Discerning a priestly vocation, sometimes over six hours from home, can be challenging for both seminarians and their families. This is why Conception Seminary College hosted its annual Family Weekend October 8-9 for the families of its over 90 seminarians. More than 350 people arrived Friday…
A Community Cemented Together
St. Michael’s Hall open house brings community together Thursday, September 29, The Solemnity of the Holy Archangels, Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael was the cause for a little revelry in the underclassmen dorms. The freshman and sophomore of Saint Micheal’s Hall hosted an open house for the upperclassmen, pre-theologians, monks, and staff to see the…
Reflection on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux
“…Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven” The following is a meditation on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. The Gospel of the day was: Luke 10:17-24 Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited is packed with Catholic characters of all sorts and tells the tale of salvation in each of their lives. Cordelia,…
Priest and Seminarian Appreciation Day draw 300
Priests and seminarians from KC-SJ and KCK gather for annual golf event The 25th annual Seminarians and Priests Appreciation Day was held Monday, 19 September at the Nicklaus Golf Club at Lionsgate in Overland Park, Kansas. Over 300 people were in attendance; it was a day for priests and seminarians to relax but most of…
70 Donors Give Blood
The blood drive at Conception Abbey and Seminary College held on Tuesday, September 20 brought in 70 donors! This was just shy of our record breaking 70 donors from last spring. Seminarians, monks, staff, and area residents of the Conception community did their part in giving generously. Alessandro Calderoni, a seminarian of the Diocese of…