Prayer and Action
Crutch Season at CSC – Lenten Reflection by Chris Davis
Each year at seminary, there’s a season in which the sound of footsteps entering the oratory or classrooms is punctuated by the ‘click-click—thunk’ of persons using crutches. Sadly, ‘crutch season’ has arrived in force this semester. While it’s never a good thing to have to experience injury, and the subsequent lack of mobility can be…
“Listen to my voice” – Lenten Reflection by Peter Vengas
Jer 7, 23-28 Así dice el Señor: “Ésta es la orden que di a mi pueblo: ‘Escuchen mi voz, y yo seré su Dios y ustedes serán mi pueblo; caminen siempre por el camino que yo les mostraré, para que les vaya bien.” ¿Qué tan difícil puede ser escuchar la voz de Dios aquí en…
REJOICE – Sunday Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller
Toward the conclusion of the fourth chapter of the Rule of St. Benedict, after outlining The Tools for Good Works, St. Benedict reminded his monks, “Never lose hope in God’s mercy.” This small yet incredibly powerful phrase comes to mind as the Gospel describes the younger son, having squandered his inheritance on an immoral lifestyle,…
With the Eyes of Faith – Lenten Reflection by Ziggy Gross
In St Faustina’s Diary we are reminded of the beautiful hidden reality underneath every single moment of our lives. She exclaims: “O life so dull and monotonous, how many treasures you contain! When I look at you with the eyes of faith…the dullness and monotony disappear. The grace which is given to me in this…
God WANTS – Lenten Reflection by Ben Rogers
“I will heal their defection, says the LORD, I will love them freely; for my wrath is turned away from them.” (Hos 14:5) God WANTS to heal us. God WANTS us to be close to him. It is our choices that take us away from God. It is our decisions that cause a gap to…
“Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” – Lenten Reflection by Fr. Timothy
Special Note: Fr. Timothy Schoen, OSB, passed away the evening before the publication of the Lenten Reflection he authored. Fr. Timothy had recently reached out to the seminarians, applauding them on their efforts to reach the faithful through their blog and other social media outlets. He also wrote this reflection, telling the seminarians to use…
The Burden of Lent – Reflection by Br. Damian, CMC
Very often, we see Lent as a burden. We treat it as if it is another Ten Commandments. We tend to view it negatively because of the requirements such as fasting from meat on Friday, giving alms to the poor, and sacrificing something that we love to do for the entire Lenten season. We actually…
Vocation Night: A look into monastic life!
Look at PICTURES and read about vocation night. The seminarians invited Brother Bernard over to talk about his journey as a Benedictine!
A Reflection on Forgiveness – by Michael Schreck
Matthew 18:21-35 We’ve all heard today’s gospel passage many times. The message is clear: forgive others as we have been forgiven by God. The servant who was forgiven much seems to be ungrateful and petty. You might think that being forgiven an enormous debt would, at the very least, give you a more peaceful outlook…
Leap Day and the Resurrection: Reflection by Br. Thomas
Leap Day, February 29th, is an artifact that dates back to 46 BC, when Julius Caesar was informed that the solar year was 365.25 days long. To account for the residual quarter of a day, an extra day was added to the calendar every four years. At that time, February was the last month of…