Diocese of Salina
Freshmen Class Outing — Listen, my Son
Fr. Paul, Freshmen Chaplain, wrote this for the monastic blog, “Listen, my Son” – Check out what the freshmen of Conception Seminary College were up to last weekend! Every year the different classes in the seminary college will organize a class outing. Usually these occur in the spring semester, particularly when the weather is nicer.…
Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso Makes First Visit
Conception, Mo. – Bishop Mark J. Seitz of the Diocese of El Paso visited his seminarians studying at Conception Seminary College in Conception, Mo. on the weekend of April 2-3. Currently, the diocese has three men preparing for the priesthood at CSC, Cesar Garcia, Sergio Legarreta-Carrasco, and Peter Venegas. “It was such a blessing seeing…
Archbishop Coakley Visits CSC
Conception, Mo. – Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City visited Conception Abbey and Seminary College April 3-5, 2016. The archdiocese has five men pursuing priestly studies at Conception Seminary College. On Monday’s Solemnity of the Annunciation, Archbishop Coakely celebrated Mass in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for the seminary and…
Humans of Conception: Dr. Liz McGrath
The “Humans of Conception” series will feature a variety of seminarians, faculty and staff, monks, and others who help make Conception Seminary College a place where our motto is lived out: “Caritas christi urget nos – The love of Christ compels us.” Check back for future posts featuring other “Humans of Conception.” From the distinguished Loyola…
Let Us Be Moved! – Easter Reflection
Praised Be Jesus Christ, Our Risen King! In the second volume of his Jesus of Nazareth writings, Pope Benedict XVI speaks about the Resurrection as “an evolutionary leap.” It is the opening up of a new life that Jesus has accomplished through His work of salvation. This is not simply a historical event in time,…
Let God Find You In the Stillness – Holy Saturday Reflection
Today is the only day in the liturgical calendar that we have no celebration of the Eucharist. So, how shall we worship God today? It will take great courage to remain in the restlessness of today. It will be tempting to jump ahead to tomorrow. Don’t, for this is a Holy Saturday. Wrestle with the…
Jesus Wept For You – Good Friday Reflection
Today is the quietest day in seminary, not only because it is a scheduled silent retreat, but also because we are caught up in our own sinfulness. On this day more than any other, I am confronted with the fact of my sinfulness, with all the times that I put myself ahead of Jesus. The…
God’s Extravagant Love – Reflection by Fr. Brendan
When children want to express the extravagance of their love for their parents, or someone dear to them, they often extend their arms as wide as possible and cry out: “I love you this much!” That simple gesture suggests a child’s love for her parent far exceeds the width of their extended arms and even…
Judas’ Question – Reflection by Paul B.
“Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” Judas asks Jesus in today’s Gospel reading. Isn’t this question, almost declaration, what we ask each time we refuse to recognize the wrong we do? “It’s not that bad,” we assert, “I’m not really messing up.” This, however, is a lack of humility. But humility is the first step…