
Reflection on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux

“…Rejoice that your names are written in Heaven”   The following is a meditation on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. The Gospel of the day was: Luke 10:17-24   Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited is packed with Catholic characters of all sorts and tells the tale of salvation in each of their lives. Cordelia,…

Priest and Seminarian Appreciation Day draw 300

Priests and seminarians from KC-SJ and KCK gather for annual golf event  The 25th annual Seminarians and Priests Appreciation Day was held Monday, 19 September at the Nicklaus Golf Club at Lionsgate in Overland Park, Kansas. Over 300 people were in attendance; it was a day for priests and seminarians to relax but most of…

70 Donors Give Blood

The blood drive at Conception Abbey and Seminary College held on Tuesday, September 20 brought in 70 donors! This was just shy of our record breaking 70 donors from last spring. Seminarians, monks, staff, and area residents of the Conception community did their part in giving generously. Alessandro Calderoni, a seminarian of the Diocese of…

Conception Seminary College announces new program

High school youth conference expands to Conception, Missouri “One Bread, One Cup” – a five-day liturgical leadership conference for high school youth and the adults who minister to them – is coming to Conception, MO, in 2017.  For more than 20 years, the summer conferences (usually shortened to OBOC) have been held three times a…

Graduate Pilgrimage: 2016

4 Days. 30 Men. 1 Priest. We recently returned to Conception Seminary College from the Rector’s Pilgrimage and thus, its time for a little blog update. The Rector’s Pilgrimage is a chance for soon to be graduates of CSC to spend time with each other and Fr. Brendan, our Rector, to visit a couple of theology…

Humans of Conception: Mark Famuliner

Anyone at Conception Seminary College can see from a mile away (if Conception were a mile long) that Mark Famuliner is a country boy. From boots to Carhartt jacket to cowboy hat, you know that Mark comes from country roots. Although recognized around seminary for his country quirks, he is known more so for his…

Inside Scoop: Letting go of “Plan B”

This obstacle is typically tough for most seminarians to overcome. In some ways, it is nearly impossible to let go of the idea of a Plan B entirely altogether, but there are things a seminarian can do to not let this temptation hinder growth within the formation process. We all come to seminary from different…

Inside Scoop: People will treat you differently

Quitting the job, applying to seminary, purchasing my new four-volume breviary set, breaking the news to family and friends was exciting.  In my mind, it was only my simple response to God’s call.  I prayed God spoke, and I answered his call to enter.  Done.  And then I noticed various relationships began to change.  In…

Inside Scoop: Welcome to Conception!

Seeing as the work and play of the summer months is threatening to wind down for many of us, it’s high time we returnees sent out a welcome to all new seminarians coming to join us at Conception Seminary College! Those of us who will be coming back for a second, third, or fourth (or…

Mary: Our Hope and Our Comfort

For today the Virgin Mother of God was assumed into heaven as the beginning and image of your Church’s coming to perfection and a sign of sure hope and comfort to your pilgrim people. (Preface for the Assumption, Roman Missal, Third Edition) Mary is our hope and our comfort!  As we celebrate the Solemnity of…