
Coffee Shop From Center Stage: A Timeline

7:00 PM – At the moment, St. Michael’s Gym is empty except for a few guys making sure all of the technical stuff is working.  In an hour, the gym will be full and I will be telling all of the jokes, or at least trying to tell all the jokes James Flattery and I…

Driving Out the Snakes – Reflection by Dave Sotelo

Today the Church celebrates the life of the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick.  St. Patrick was a missionary and bishop who was kidnapped at young age by Irish riders.  The Saint later escaped slavery and returned to his homeland.  Eventually, St. Patrick went back to Ireland to convert the pagan island to Catholicism. There…

Trial by Fire – Reflection by Jeanette Schieber

In today’s first reading we hear the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to worship or serve the King’s god. The King becomes furious, and had them bound and cast into the white-hot furnace. When the King looks into the fire, he is astonished to find not three bound men but FOUR untied and unhurt men…

CSC Board of Regents Meet: Focus on Strategic Plan

Conception, Mo. – The Board of Regents of Conception Seminary College in Conception, Mo. held their annual spring meeting March 11-12 in St. Maur Hall on the CSC campus. Charged with the goal of preparing Roman Catholic priests to serve an ever-changing world, the Board of Regents continued their work in preparing a new strategic…

CSC Board of Regents Meet: Focus on Strategic Plan

The Board of Regents of Conception Seminary College in Conception, Mo. held their annual spring meeting March 11-12 in St. Maur Hall on the CSC campus. Charged with the goal of preparing Roman Catholic priests to serve an ever-changing world, the Board of Regents continued their work in preparing a new strategic plan to guide…

Stagnancy In Lent – By Charles Peirano

The Pharisees in today’s Gospel are confronted with their lacking of gratitude and caring. This can remind us to reflect on how we have lacked during this Sacred Season of Lent, which is almost over! Don’t be disheartened by what you haven’t done this Lent; we can renew our commitment to follow Jesus ever more closer,…

A Reflection on Penitence – by Cesar Gomez

“Me hieren más las pequeñas imperfecciones de las almas elegidas que los pecados de las almas que viven en el mundo.” (Diario de Santa Faustina, 580) La Escritura nos dice que en el juicio de Jesús los soldados  le pusieron una corona de espinas, se arrodillaron y se rieron de él (Marcos 15,16-20). Estos soldados…

Encounters With Jesus – Lenten Reflection by Jon Tolberd

Encounters with Jesus normally left the person who went to Jesus somewhat confounded, and I often wonder what the adulteress felt and thought of when she was standing in front of Jesus waiting for those stones to hit her. I am sure there were a lot of shame and guilt, as well as emotional and…

Taking Refuge in God – Lenten Reflection by Dr. McGrath

Responsorial Psalm:  O Lord, My God, in you I take refuge Many of us don’t relate to the concept of a refuge.  We think of refugees – those in need of a refuge – as people fleeing from terrorists or dictators.  But we can be more dangerous to ourselves than a well-trained assassin.  God offers…

Don’t Give Up – Lenten Reflection by Sergio Legarreta

We are in the fourth week of Lent. That is a little more than half way to Easter. At this point, temptation for giving up our Lenten resolutions grows, and the desire for a dessert grows even more. If you know that your friend gave up dessert for Lent, inviting him to eat at Cheesecake…