Board of Regents
The Board of Regents of Conception Seminary College
The Board of Regents counsels and guides the seminary regarding policies and programs, in accordance with Church Law, standard American educational and management practice, and the mission of Conception Seminary College. Membership is primarily from the (arch)dioceses and/or religious communities served by Conception Seminary College, usually equally divided between official personnel and other professionals. Members of the Board are appointed for a term of three years upon recommendation by the Executive Committee of the Board and with confirmation by the Board. The Regents generally meet twice annually.
The responsibilities of the Board of Regents include the following: (1) approves the addition of new major programs and policies of relevance to the Seminary College as a whole, including major fund-raising campaigns, recruitment, alumni- and public-relations activities; (2) approves tuition, room and board charges for the Seminary; (3) approves and monitors the annual budget for consideration by the Abbey Planning and Finance Committee; (4) reviews Seminary programs; (5) advises in matters of re-accreditation and compliance with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Program of Priestly Formation, Sixth Edition.
Executive Committee

Most Rev. Joseph Hanefeldt
Bishop of Grand Island, Nebraska

Most Rev. James V. Johnston
Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri

Very Rev. Victor Schinstock, OSB
Conception Seminary College
Board Members
Most Rev. David Konderla
Bishop of Tulsa, Oklahoma
Most Rev. Joseph Naumann
Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas
Mr. David Trotter
Atchison, Kansas
Rev. Gregory Oligschlaeger
Monroe City, Missouri
Mrs. Karen Miller
Kansas City, Missouri
Rev. Ross Parker
Vocation Director
Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa
Rev. Shane Deman
Director of Seminarians,
Diocese of Sioux City
Mrs. Maria Ruiz-Scaperlanda
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rev. Andrew Roza
Archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska
Most Rev. Gerald Vincke
Bishop of Salina, Kansas
Rev. Msgr. Stuart Swetland
Kansas City, Kansas
Not Pictured:
Rev. Brian Buettner
Vocation Director
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rev. Brian Hess
Vocation Director
Diocese of Cheyenne
Rev. Doug Owens
Vicar General
Diocese of Knoxville, TN
Rev. Wesley Schawe
Vocation Director
Diocese of Dodge City, Kansas
Rev. Charles Pierano
Alumni Board