Admission Requirements
Men applying for admission without previous college study may be admitted upon graduation from an approved secondary school, state- approved General Educational Development (GED) program, or state- approved home school program, and upon proof of ability to follow the curriculum of the college, including:
- satisfactory scores on the ACT Assessment, including a composite standard score of around 20. Evidence from other standardized tests will be taken into consideration in evaluating the student’s academic record. Applicants must arrange to have an official ACT Assessment Report forwarded to Conception Seminary College.
- completion of an adequate pre-college curriculum with a ‘C’ average or its equivalent in basic academic subjects, and class rank above the lowest quartile. At least 16 units of college preparatory work or the equivalent should appear on the high school transcript.
The following documentation must be provided as evidence of completion of the above requirements:
- Graduates from an approved secondary school or home-school program must provide official transcripts indicating completion of all requirements for graduation.
- Graduates from a state-approved General Educational Development (GED) program must provide an official GED certificate, indicating satisfactory completion of the GED program.
Transfer students from accredited colleges may be admitted upon submission of all documents listed under “Required Documents” (on page 29-31 of the Academic Catalog) together with evidence of honorable withdrawal from the college last attended. Credit for courses completed with a grade of ‘C’ or above may be transferred as the courses fit the program of studies leading to Conception Seminary College’s bachelor of arts degree. Quality points are not transferable, since the Conception Seminary College grade-point average (GPA) is computed solely on the outcome of courses taken in residence.
Pre-Theology students may be admitted upon submission of evidence of graduation from a college or university of recognized standing and upon submission of all documents listed under “Required Documents,”(on page 29-31 of the Academic Catalog) with the exception of ACT scores and high school transcripts.
Special students are allowed to pursue any course for which they demonstrate the needed prerequisites. Admission requirements in addition to the application will be determined in each individual case.
While Conception Seminary College does not solicit direct applications from abroad, some dioceses sponsor international students for college-level seminary study. International nationals are among Conception Seminary College alumni, and applications by international students will be fairly considered under the following conditions:
- full religious and financial sponsorship by a U.S. diocese or by a religious community.
- formal application through diocesan or religious community channels,
- preferably before May 1 for fall admission.
- prompt submission of admission forms, transcripts, recommendations, and evaluations.
- ability to demonstrate proficiency in English (ordinarily by a TOEFL® score of 70 or better) or willingness to enter our preparatory language training (LCC Program).
- willingness to apply for a student visa, and full compliance with the application process.