Dr. Jason Costanzo
Associate Professor: Philosophy
Ph.D. Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2009
M.A. Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), 2003
B.A. Philosophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville (Steubenville, Ohio), 2000
Bio / Information:
Dr. Jason Costanzo (PhD) joined Conception Seminary College as an Associate Professor of Philosophy. He grew up in Long Island, New York, and now resides in St. Joseph, Missouri, with his wife and son. He completed graduate work at the Institute for Philosophy at KU Leuven. His research includes German Continental Philosophy, the History of Philosophy, and Metaphysics. Dr. Costanzo’s past experience includes teaching positions at Missouri Western State University and St. John’s University. He has published articles related to his doctoral work on Arthur Schopenhauer and Plato, as well as recent publications on Aristotle and the classical tradition.
Journal Articles (since 2020)
(2021). On the Therapeutic Value of Contemplation. International Journal of Philosophical Practice, 7(1): 79-88.
(2021). Aristotle and the Classical Paradigm of Wisdom. Philosophy International Journal, 4(3). doi: 10.23880/phij-16000191.
(2020). Schopenhauer on Intuition and Proof in Mathematics. In Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer: Studies in Universal Logic, J. Lemanski (ed.), Springer-Birkhauser, June 2020, 287-303.
(2020). Schopenhauer’s Interpretation of the Platonic Ideas. The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 1-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/18725473-BJA10001
Encyclopedia Entries
(2021). Raum / Zeit. (Encyclopedia entry) in Schopenhauer Lexikon, D. Schubbe & J. Lemanski (eds.), UTB Verlag, 214-215.