Stagnancy In Lent – By Charles Peirano
The Pharisees in today’s Gospel are confronted with their lacking of gratitude and caring. This can remind us to reflect on how we have lacked during this Sacred Season of Lent, which is almost over! Don’t be disheartened by what you haven’t done this Lent; we can renew our commitment to follow Jesus ever more closer, starting now!
Remember in saying, “yes” to His love, Jesus transforms us. We often seem to only see our raggedness and conclude that we aren’t making any progress. This thought can often times occur during this time in the Lenten season. Be patient with yourself and never judge by how it ‘feels.’ True transformation is usually experienced in the nothingness of life – in other words the ordinariness of daily life. So take the time to renew your commitment to love Jesus and look at the past with gratitude and look forward with grace!