Our Big Brother, Jesus – Lenten Reflection by Jon Hynek II

“You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” It’s a timeless saying that many have heard before, and it’s a saying that Jesus is telling us today; the son cannot do anything without seeing the father do it. Since Jesus is the mediator between God and man, we look to His example on how to be children of God, and how to grow closer to God. Jesus Christ in this sense is our big brother, He is looking out for us, protecting us from others, and helping us become all who we can be. Let us continue in this Lenten journey by following in our big brothers footsteps, for He has already done what the Father has asked Him. Let Jesus’ example be our model for a deeper connection to our Heavenly Father.


Jon Hynek II is a senior studying for the Diocese of Green Bay in Wisonsin.